I will attempt to provide the information you requested. It will be interesting to see the output of aseqdmp. I've never used it before so I'll have investigate how to use it. In the mean time I've found evidence that others have encountered the same damper pedal problem according to the following link. No solution was described unfortunately.
I have found that the pedal works correctly in one situation. Specifically, if I press and hold the pedal down a few seconds before releasing it works. A short press and release causes the E3 note to play, as the users in the above link describe. After E note playing begins subsequent pedal presses repeat the E note when the pedal is pressed down. It takes a pause between presses of about 15-20 seconds or so to restore "normal" operation.
Thanks rncbc,
I will attempt to provide the information you requested. It will be interesting to see the output of aseqdmp. I've never used it before so I'll have investigate how to use it. In the mean time I've found evidence that others have encountered the same damper pedal problem according to the following link. No solution was described unfortunately.
I have found that the pedal works correctly in one situation. Specifically, if I press and hold the pedal down a few seconds before releasing it works. A short press and release causes the E3 note to play, as the users in the above link describe. After E note playing begins subsequent pedal presses repeat the E note when the pedal is pressed down. It takes a pause between presses of about 15-20 seconds or so to restore "normal" operation.