The only problem is that I have already changed the grid behaviour so that its visibilty is toggleable. Thus the patch would
contain the grid changes also. Would it be suitable for you, if I send you a patch file created from a diff of the original files and my changes?
Track six contains a looped part, which is grayed out. Since the hihats part repeats 9 times you only place the first
and the last part and set the first to loop. This is exactly how Logic Audio behaves. The Cakewalk Sonar function is very similar.
This way you can create sort of range for the hihats being played.
NTL, care to post your patch?
The only problem is that I have already changed the grid behaviour so that its visibilty is toggleable. Thus the patch would
contain the grid changes also. Would it be suitable for you, if I send you a patch file created from a diff of the original files and my changes?
On the looping function...
See this screenshot:
Track six contains a looped part, which is grayed out. Since the hihats part repeats 9 times you only place the first
and the last part and set the first to loop. This is exactly how Logic Audio behaves. The Cakewalk Sonar function is very similar.
This way you can create sort of range for the hihats being played.
Does this help to clarify my idea?