Thanks for the quick reply and explanation, although hoping for another answer I appreciate this clarity !
It's a shame I can't convince you to purchase such a nice piece of gear, would be looking freaky awesome next to the display with Qtractor on it :-)
Since I'm an end user myself, I can report back any questions or tests about MCU <> Qtractor but I don't have the necessary programming skills to make this happen.
Would be very interested if someone reading this thread in the future with the knowhow and time to make something like this to happen, could post a reply over here.
Mackie MCU in standard mode doesn't send MMC messages ( it's only sending pitchwheel, controller and note on/off data ).
Also interested to hear from other Qtractor users if they use a hardware controller, and with what gear they have a good positive experience !!
Best Rui,
Thanks for the quick reply and explanation, although hoping for another answer I appreciate this clarity !
It's a shame I can't convince you to purchase such a nice piece of gear, would be looking freaky awesome next to the display with Qtractor on it :-)
Since I'm an end user myself, I can report back any questions or tests about MCU <> Qtractor but I don't have the necessary programming skills to make this happen.
Would be very interested if someone reading this thread in the future with the knowhow and time to make something like this to happen, could post a reply over here.
Mackie MCU in standard mode doesn't send MMC messages ( it's only sending pitchwheel, controller and note on/off data ).
Also interested to hear from other Qtractor users if they use a hardware controller, and with what gear they have a good positive experience !!
Thanx again for Qtractor, Luc.