I'm running my own build of a Linux OS based on Puppy Linux.
This OS is absolutely unique - last but not least by the lots of programs I developed over the years.
In my Operating System there is no USER accounts, only ROOT.
I don't like running as USER, that's why I was creating my own Linux OS.
I'm the BOSS on my computer, nobody else has access to this computer, so there's simply no need to be a USER in my OS.
The Qtractor binary is directly downloaded from your LaunchPad account.
I installed DIVA by the script's option --as-root.
I'm running my own build of a Linux OS based on Puppy Linux.
This OS is absolutely unique - last but not least by the lots of programs I developed over the years.
In my Operating System there is no USER accounts, only ROOT.
I don't like running as USER, that's why I was creating my own Linux OS.
I'm the BOSS on my computer, nobody else has access to this computer, so there's simply no need to be a USER in my OS.
The Qtractor binary is directly downloaded from your LaunchPad account.
I installed DIVA by the script's option --as-root.