I now realize that there's no single hint on how you can do this. No sweat. At this time, the way to access the MIDI learn/controller assignment stuff is about hovering the plugin's generic editor window. Right-click on a plugin parameter widget (slider or spin-box) and voilá! It shows this MIDI Controller... popup. While on it, move any knob on your, uh... hard-MIDI-controller, give it an OK and that's it.
Shameless me: do you need a video tutorial for just that? :)
I now realize that there's no single hint on how you can do this. No sweat. At this time, the way to access the MIDI learn/controller assignment stuff is about hovering the plugin's generic editor window. Right-click on a plugin parameter widget (slider or spin-box) and voilá! It shows this MIDI Controller... popup. While on it, move any knob on your, uh... hard-MIDI-controller, give it an OK and that's it.
Shameless me: do you need a video tutorial for just that? :)