Yes, there's no way to predict when the sound is completely faded out.
So, that's why I'm listening to it and placing the right locator one bar after the sound is silenced.
That's how I understand it:
- exporting via SESSION --> export everything from the beginning of the first MIDI part until the end of the last MIDI part
- exporting via LOOP --> export everything in between the locators, so, including all empty bars in the beginning and the end.
However, acts exactly that way.
Yes, there's no way to predict when the sound is completely faded out.
So, that's why I'm listening to it and placing the right locator one bar after the sound is silenced.
That's how I understand it:
- exporting via SESSION --> export everything from the beginning of the first MIDI part until the end of the last MIDI part
- exporting via LOOP --> export everything in between the locators, so, including all empty bars in the beginning and the end.
However, acts exactly that way.
And that's really GREAT!
Thanks, thanks, thanks alot! :)