you shall verify whether the Master Out ports are actually connected to your system::playback_1,2; if they are, then please check your JACK settings for the indented sound device: you may well use qjackctl for that effect, or else, use any other JACK front-end of your liking eg. cadence, (formerly ubuntu) studio controls. or, better yet asking, which one are you using?
ps. are you on PulseAudio? check with pauvcontrol whether outputs are being muted or diverted somehow; I really can't help you there 'coz I've replaced PA with pipewire already :)
hi Richie,
you shall verify whether the Master Out ports are actually connected to your system::playback_1,2; if they are, then please check your JACK settings for the indented sound device: you may well use qjackctl for that effect, or else, use any other JACK front-end of your liking eg. cadence, (formerly ubuntu) studio controls. or, better yet asking, which one are you using?
ps. are you on PulseAudio? check with
whether outputs are being muted or diverted somehow; I really can't help you there 'coz I've replaced PA with pipewire already :)