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woohoo! welcome!

questions will be answered in no time, wishes may take longer... ;)

1.Are there plans to implement a filebrowser?...

you can drag and drop freely, didn't you know? that working to and from your desktop environment, at will; use your own preferred file-browser, no matter whether it's gnome (aargh), kde or whatelse:)

2.Is there the possibility to use more than 16 midichannels?...

go to View/Buses... and create a new MIDI bus; that's it, each MIDI bus is functionally equivalent to what you call a 16-channel MIDI port; next... :)

3.Is it possible to set the loop-markers for looping automatically...?

loop markers are currently set on a time-line range basis; you loop on a whole time-interval and not in a pattern-wise fashion as in abbleton live, whatever:(

4.Is it hard to implement icons for each track?

what for? aren't colors enough? :) qtractor-is-not-garage-band :)) however, i really don't find it a heresy, but let's put it this way: you don't need that and that won't make your music any prettier--it's just noob eye-candy, ain't it? once you get it to the tool, working as it should, you'll suddenly realize that those icons are just consuming screen real-state for no real benefit. trust me ;)

5.Are there gui's for an effect-rack and the mastering-section?

eh, no? qtractor is sort of designed to be part of an eco-system, not that it's the whole of it--it's kind of a hybrid. not quite a monolith (as magix-mm and the likes surely are) nor completely pure-modular (like some linux sects do often preach), but something in between... anyway, effects are done through plugins and/or jack interconnected stand-alone client applications, relying on their own guis, and there's the where the beauty of open-source freedom gets in real shiness ;)

6.If we input a sample ,..., is it possible ... an automatic timeshifting?

you call timeshift for what i call timestretch. yes it is possible but not that so automagically. best way (imo) is deciding which is your song tempo from the start up, and then adapt imported audio clips to precise bar/beat boundaries, taking hand and visual snapping while shift-dragging clip edges to their correct tempo-wise positions. once that, audio clips will be time-stretched and fit to desired tempo. you have control :)

7.Can we edit the track-name without open the proper window?...

sorry, not yet :( but, it's that really important?

8.We like to use a virtuel keyboard to test the virtuel instruments and sounds without opening the piano roll.

there's always vkeybd and vmpk for the rescue, but i'll recommend you to use a real MIDI keyboard controller for anything really serious ;)


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