Worked out how to sidechain an audio track. Probably a known thing but if not, it may help another noob like me..
Export the 2 audio tracks (seperately). Create 2 midi tracks and use the plugin samplv1 for each one. Load in one of the audi tracks into samplev1 and create a single note, the length of the project, in the piano roll (make sure it is the right note or the pitch will be out).
You should now have 2 midi tracks with the audio tracks mounted in and can sidechain them..
Would be nice if there was a sidechain facility built into each track (audio and midi) that could be linked to other tracks with a simple click or two.. Will put this on my Xmas wish list, but I have heard that Santa is self-isolating, so maybe next year..
Worked out how to sidechain an audio track. Probably a known thing but if not, it may help another noob like me..
Export the 2 audio tracks (seperately). Create 2 midi tracks and use the plugin samplv1 for each one. Load in one of the audi tracks into samplev1 and create a single note, the length of the project, in the piano roll (make sure it is the right note or the pitch will be out).
You should now have 2 midi tracks with the audio tracks mounted in and can sidechain them..
Would be nice if there was a sidechain facility built into each track (audio and midi) that could be linked to other tracks with a simple click or two.. Will put this on my Xmas wish list, but I have heard that Santa is self-isolating, so maybe next year..