waveforms can be further shaped with Rectangle, Triangle, Welch, Hann and Gauss logarithms
technically speaking, this things named as Rectangle, Triangle, Welch, Hann and Gauss are indeed not about (time domain) waveforms but rather refers to the (frequency domain) "apodization", or better said, the window function that shapes or spreads over band-width on each partial or harmonic component along the spectrum. And yes, the Width parameter means band-width of each component ;)
waveforms can be further shaped with Rectangle, Triangle, Welch, Hann and Gauss logarithms
technically speaking, this things named as Rectangle, Triangle, Welch, Hann and Gauss are indeed not about (time domain) waveforms but rather refers to the (frequency domain) "apodization", or better said, the window function that shapes or spreads over band-width on each partial or harmonic component along the spectrum. And yes, the Width parameter means band-width of each component ;)
yeah, all geek speak.