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Just tried to build V1 suite 0.8.2 and got this

g++ -L/usr/lib64 -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -o synthv1_jack .obj_jack/synthv1_nsm.o .obj_jack/synthv1_jack.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_env.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_filt.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_wave.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_param.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_preset.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_status.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_programs.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_controls.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_control.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_config.o .obj_jack/synthv1widget_jack.o .obj_jack/qrc_synthv1.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1_nsm.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1_jack.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_env.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_filt.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_wave.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_param.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_preset.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_status.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_programs.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_controls.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_control.o .obj_jack/moc_synthv1widget_config.o -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/local/lib64 -ljack -lasound -llo -L. -lsynthv1 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib64 -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Gui -lQt5Xml -lQt5Core -lGL -lpthread
.obj_jack/synthv1widget.o: In function `synthv1widget::openSchedNotifier()':
synthv1widget.cpp:(.text+0x21a): undefined reference to `synthv1_ui::midiInEnabled(bool)'
.obj_jack/synthv1widget.o: In function `synthv1widget::updateSchedNotify(int, int)':
synthv1widget.cpp:(.text+0x5687): undefined reference to `synthv1_ui::midiInCount()'
.obj_jack/synthv1widget.o: In function `synthv1widget::closeSchedNotifier()':
synthv1widget.cpp:(.text+0x289): undefined reference to `synthv1_ui::midiInEnabled(bool)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

never had a problem building before is it just me ? all three builds exhibit the same behaviour undefined reference to *v1_ui::midiInEnabled(bool)' and undefined reference to *v1_ui::midiInCount()


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