During the conference there was spotted evidence of some bugs on the Qtractor version demoed there. So, even while on Berlin one could read from CVS log something like this:
LAC2007@TU-Berlin almost closing-hour bug-fixing:
- Fixed little FPE occurring on thumb-view in certain viewport sizing.
- Clip start and length time are now kept constant over tempo changes.
- MIDI clip length change bug while cutting and editing is now fixed.
Latest and greatest just says
P.S. Frank Neumann: As you can now figure, even if I'm with my back towards the screen I can do my deeds :)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
During the conference there was spotted evidence of some bugs on the Qtractor version demoed there. So, even while on Berlin one could read from CVS log something like this:
LAC2007@TU-Berlin almost closing-hour bug-fixing:
- Fixed little FPE occurring on thumb-view in certain viewport sizing.
- Clip start and length time are now kept constant over tempo changes.
- MIDI clip length change bug while cutting and editing is now fixed.
Latest and greatest just says
P.S. Frank Neumann: As you can now figure, even if I'm with my back towards the screen I can do my deeds :)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela