Indeed, that configure option isn't of no good use anymore, I think. It was once used for signaling jackd that its real-time scheduled code-path is being preempted, which should never ever happen in normal and controlled conditions. It was also only applicable with the PREEMPT_RT patch of the time (more than 2years ago?) and I guess it's not that useful anymore. Anyway, it was instrumental for jackd development, not a good thing for users to try;)
Indeed, that configure option isn't of no good use anymore, I think. It was once used for signaling jackd that its real-time scheduled code-path is being preempted, which should never ever happen in normal and controlled conditions. It was also only applicable with the PREEMPT_RT patch of the time (more than 2years ago?) and I guess it's not that useful anymore. Anyway, it was instrumental for jackd development, not a good thing for users to try;)
Glad you noticed it.