I took a look on the log file. Actually, it seems there is a kind of mix-up between 32 and 64 bits regarding this excerpt from the log:
"/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.0//include/Qt/qglobal.h:288:2: error: #error "You are building a 64-bit application, but using a 32-bit version of Qt. Check your build configuration."
I thought that Qt 4.6 for Snow Leopard was "naturally" 64 bit but maybe I am wrong.
I took a look on the log file. Actually, it seems there is a kind of mix-up between 32 and 64 bits regarding this excerpt from the log:
"/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.0//include/Qt/qglobal.h:288:2: error: #error "You are building a 64-bit application, but using a 32-bit version of Qt. Check your build configuration."
I thought that Qt 4.6 for Snow Leopard was "naturally" 64 bit but maybe I am wrong.
I don't know what to do at this point.
Thank you for your help,