Just put the dll to the VST folder, create a new MIDI Track with "ORGANIzed Trio v3.1" as Plugin.... Then, when moving the play-bar forward or rewind, the reset-message appears. (I think your system won't hold for 2 seconds, because you'll surely have a faster one than me...)
Btw: You said, you don't use VSTi plugins. What kind of things do you use for making sounds on linux? Maybe I am missing some great tools? I only know about Hexter DX7, FuidSynth, XSynth and off course ZynAddSubFx (which is not really integrateable into qtractor isn't it?).
Wow ... your support is really amazing...
One example is the ORGANized Trio which is available in the package here:
Just put the dll to the VST folder, create a new MIDI Track with "ORGANIzed Trio v3.1" as Plugin.... Then, when moving the play-bar forward or rewind, the reset-message appears. (I think your system won't hold for 2 seconds, because you'll surely have a faster one than me...)
Btw: You said, you don't use VSTi plugins. What kind of things do you use for making sounds on linux? Maybe I am missing some great tools? I only know about Hexter DX7, FuidSynth, XSynth and off course ZynAddSubFx (which is not really integrateable into qtractor isn't it?).