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1) I create first a minimal length of drums on one midi track, then copy/paste on the same track one hudred times (or whatever) to fill that same track. They plays ok, no problem there. I'm in trouble when I notice for example that "oops, hi-hat of drum set is now too loud" and want to fix that. Now, those clips on the same track are not handled as one entity but 100 separate clips i.e. you need to open 100 times a clip to fix it... There should be some way to connect those clips together so that you can handle a midi track as one entity (i.e. I don't need any more separate clips after i have put those one after another on the same track).
How you thing about "Join Clips" or "Auto Join = yes/no" tool / option ? I would default always to "Auto Join"... Or another way: Change "Select" so that clicking a clip will select that clip only but clicking track number will select entire track ? Available "Tools" would naturally be context sensitive i.e. if you select midi you have tools related to midi and again if you select audio "Tools" would show audio related choice of tools.

2) Tools menu only per midi clip: No problem if I had an option / tool to connect many clips to one big "clip". Actually that could be optionally automatic join.

3) -

4) Maybe no problem here but: Yesterday I once got warning about different sample rate when starting Qtractor. However, everything appeared to be normal and I continued adding midi track for bass. Saved my work "Ctrl-S" and closed. This morning I opened Qtractor to continue but... One Little Problem, all tracks were empty except that midi track for bass. I understand that warning for different sample rate needs to be taken serious. Maybe Qtractor could have an option for keeping a backup copy of work file ? That would require keeping two files, current and previous. That would possibly allow restore in case something goes wrong with current work file (your child pressing "boot" while you work, electricity drop, ...)

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