Please confirm whether the playback related out-of-sync trouble still applies after you reload (re-open) the session altogether, ie. after you save, close and open it again. Question is, does it indict a temporary bug that only happens in-flght while right after making some changes, specially if those changes are made on the tempo map structure, or is it horrifyingly permanent ?
No sweat. This one has been promoted to the very first top priority on my desk, as is one hell of a good and nasty bug report :P
ACK! Good catch!
Please confirm whether the playback related out-of-sync trouble still applies after you reload (re-open) the session altogether, ie. after you save, close and open it again. Question is, does it indict a temporary bug that only happens in-flght while right after making some changes, specially if those changes are made on the tempo map structure, or is it horrifyingly permanent ?
No sweat. This one has been promoted to the very first top priority on my desk, as is one hell of a good and nasty bug report :P
Keep them coming!