Just another thought:
Why don't you use hydrogen for creating the drums stuff? I think, thats exactly the way like you want it to be. Create a Midi-Track in qtractor and assign it to a special midi output which is connected to the hydrogen midi input. Then, all the midi notes are inside one track, all you will need is, to set the track as a drum track for the notes without lengths. The level and pan control for the drum samples are then controlled within qtractor's mixer.
The only problem is, that you'll have 2 applications running and that makes your session more complicated. What is really needed is a kind of hydrogen-plugin ;-)
Just another thought:
Why don't you use hydrogen for creating the drums stuff? I think, thats exactly the way like you want it to be. Create a Midi-Track in qtractor and assign it to a special midi output which is connected to the hydrogen midi input. Then, all the midi notes are inside one track, all you will need is, to set the track as a drum track for the notes without lengths. The level and pan control for the drum samples are then controlled within qtractor's mixer.
The only problem is, that you'll have 2 applications running and that makes your session more complicated. What is really needed is a kind of hydrogen-plugin ;-)