- there should be a way of controlling the vol/pan/plugin properties per pitch too.
I'm afraid the standard MIDI specification doesn't support this sort of way.
Probably there are some MIDI instruments that make this kind of tuning per pitch/note available through SysEx and/or NRPN (I can probably say that Yamaha XG has one of that kind of thing, specially suited on drum channels).
However, I fail to recognize as this being standard. Re. instrument plugins, all that tuning must be locally implemented, that meaning the plugin exposes that particular control through its own parameters. I know of no plugin capable of this atm., at least Linux native, but there must be some out there for sure :)
- there should be a way of controlling the vol/pan/plugin properties per pitch too.
I'm afraid the standard MIDI specification doesn't support this sort of way.
Probably there are some MIDI instruments that make this kind of tuning per pitch/note available through SysEx and/or NRPN (I can probably say that Yamaha XG has one of that kind of thing, specially suited on drum channels).
However, I fail to recognize as this being standard. Re. instrument plugins, all that tuning must be locally implemented, that meaning the plugin exposes that particular control through its own parameters. I know of no plugin capable of this atm., at least Linux native, but there must be some out there for sure :)