Yes, all inbound control events are already beinbg trapped and dispatched to qtractorMainForm::midiControlEvent(). That part is already there for you to take use. What's really missing and is currently wrong, if I may say, is the qtractorTrackGainCommand usage in this functionality, mainly because it's not made for the control event feedback at all, yet. When I (we) get that MIDI controller map functionality in place this should be tamed, yes :)
Yes, all inbound control events are already beinbg trapped and dispatched to qtractorMainForm::midiControlEvent(). That part is already there for you to take use. What's really missing and is currently wrong, if I may say, is the qtractorTrackGainCommand usage in this functionality, mainly because it's not made for the control event feedback at all, yet. When I (we) get that MIDI controller map functionality in place this should be tamed, yes :)