It's a BCF2000 actually. And yes, you're dead right. I've failed to say whether it works or not. Just because, and you can start laughing now, I've also failed to get it out of the box :o) Oh yes, it's still in there :(. But, now for the good news, I have taken the manual out and read it, YES!!! That was the day when it arrived. Never got it on since then. Oh my.
And that's not all. Would you be surprised if I say I do have a dozen of other gear that it's suffering from the same, uh, fate? Uber-Procrastinator should be my middle name :)))
It's a BCF2000 actually. And yes, you're dead right. I've failed to say whether it works or not. Just because, and you can start laughing now, I've also failed to get it out of the box :o) Oh yes, it's still in there :(. But, now for the good news, I have taken the manual out and read it, YES!!! That was the day when it arrived. Never got it on since then. Oh my.
And that's not all. Would you be surprised if I say I do have a dozen of other gear that it's suffering from the same, uh, fate? Uber-Procrastinator should be my middle name :)))
Now that I think of it....