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rncbc's picture

for ages I've always advised for not doing send/return inserts from and to qtractor itself: it used to work just partially and on very specific situations, while using *genuine jackd1 or jackd2; but on pipewire-jack substitution, things got a lot different and to the worse: while it used to work fine on all scenarios a few releases back (pre-1.0.0 iirc.), it stopped working on-and-off or not at all on newer versions.

so the writing is still on the wall: directly connecting a same jack-client (qtractor) output ports (insert sends or output buses) to its own input ports (insert returns or input buses) is still not advisable.

just a few topics on the subject, even predating the pipewire advent:

not sure whether pipewire also does the so called zero-copy optimization as genuine jackd; you may confirm it, by connecting any other client but qtractor to the designated inputs and check for your self whether the signal starts flowing in...
