Qtractor is loosing its MIDI data on multiple tracks after renaming a project.
To rename a project I did:
- changed the project's name in project's settings GUI from 20210222QR0313 to 20210222V2QR0313
- changed the directory's name in project's settings GUI from 20210222QR0313 to 20210222V2QR0313
- saved the project as 20210222V2QR0313.qtz
Reloaded the project.
See attached image.
File attachments
re. loosing MIDI data
hi, do you still have the original (20210222QR0313) session file?
please check whether the culprit is about changing the session name *or* the session directory? but not both in the same step, please.
seeya thanks
I don't know what a "culprit" is. Translation software doesn't return a useful translation. It says: "Täter" which is used in German for e.g. Criminal.
When I'm changing the project's name it doesn't change the directory's name automated. Doing it manually asked about to create the new directory, which I confirm usually.
I'm lost.
Though, of course I always have originals and previous versions archived and sorted after date and time of archiving.
re. loosing MIDI data
yes "culprit" here in this context means which one of the changes is "guilty"...:)
1. renaming the session name, or
2. renaming the session directory.
I was asking for you to take the original session and do *either* 1. or 2. (but not both at the same time), save it into a new .qtz file and what gives when you re-open it...
Ah, Ok, now I see.
Ah, Ok, now I see.
Will check this...
Täter ermittelt / Culprid identified
Der Täter / the culprit is: renaming the session/project name.
When I'm just saving under a different name without to change any of the project's name or directory, everything is fine.
When I'm changing the project's directory name and click save, it still saves under it's original name.
When I'm changing the project's name and click save, the "Save as" GUI appears and after saving and reload, some MIDI file's content is getting lost.
re. Täter ermittelt / Culprid identified
hi, many thanks for your prompt investigations, really appreciated.
can you test again, now only about changing session name, which is now the confirmed "culprit", but with the latest snapshot (>= ?
cheers && thanks again
Used the same project and
Used the same project and tested with
Still some MIDI data lost after changing session name, saving and loading the renamed session.
re. same project and tested with
ok. would you upload the original or similar project .qtz file, to have a closer look and let the issue get probably reproduced and tested here?
This is an unfinished
This is an unfinished composition of around +10 minutes.
I don't want anyone else having access to this composition.
So, I could upload this temporarily to my Google drive account.
But I don't want to post its link here.
I will send you the link via PM at linuxmusicians.
re. This is an unfinished
ok. got it. the issue is easily reproduced now, thanks.
might be fixed on qtractor >= and available tomorrow morning, you know the drill ;)
thanks once again
Confirmed. Thanks.
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