The QStuff* Pre-LAC2018 Release Frenzy Hotfix!

Avast ye lads!

The Qstuff* Pre-LAC2018 release frenzy continues... with a hotfix!


QjackCtl - JACK Audio Connection Kit Qt GUI Interface

QjackCtl 0.5.2 (pre-lac2018 hotfix) is out!

QjackCtl is a(n ageing but still) simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server, for the Linux Audio infrastructure.


Project page:


Git repos:


  • Respect ALSA Sequencer support option also on Graph view.
  • Regression to new Graph node/ports sorting comparator; also fixed multiple and many port removals, most probably causing it to crash due to double-free/delete potential.
  • Fixed the automatic aggregation of new Graph client nodes that are split as either input or output only (ie. system, terminal, physical or otherwise non-duplex nodes).
  • Added View/Zoom Range mode option to Graph tool.

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QjackCtl is free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.


Enjoy && have keep the fun!


This graph thingie is reaaaaly cool ; I humbly think this powerhouse of a software needs a teeny *bit* of documentation, I mean the "Patchbay" feature alone is fantastic, and I'm sure no one really knows about it ; I finally managed to get a sane vocoding session / solution working, and I need to let the world (that includes me) know how I did it: I want to make a video and a tutorial-with-screenshots about it but I use i3wm now, and I don't want to scare ppl away :p

BTW I don't get how the "session management" feature works. At all ; Is it capable of launching applications? See what I mean by documentation? I'd really love to understand how it works and start a massive QJackCtl wiki documentaion campaign:)

Hey where is the "no skeuomorphic shiny glass effect" option gone? Oh, and also while we're at petty whims, why don't QjackCtl sport the same "theming" options as Qtractor? It would be cool, not that that's of any importance :)

PS - The tray icon is back, yay!


hi yPhil,

- I don't get how the "session management" feature works. At all ; Is it capable of launching applications?
yes of course but only when you load a previously saved session.

- where is the "no skeuomorphic shiny glass effect" option gone?
yes, it's gone. what? you don't like the shiny glass? how strange... :)

- why don't QjackCtl sport the same "theming" options as Qtractor?
what's wrong with the default system theme? as for any Qt application, you can always set the widget style from the command line, eg. qjackctl -style Fusion, so there's no real need to clutter the setup/options dialog for just that.

thanks again

> yes of course but only when you load a previously saved session.
It does not seem to work (nothing is launched, instead every list entry's icon turns into a red cross) on my system (Ubuntu 18) I'm suspecting it's because of the Pulse Audio sinks... I'll investigate further.

> yes, it's gone. what? you don't like the shiny glass? how strange... :)
For the record, I don't. But who cares (not really me) :)

> as for any Qt application, you can always set the widget style from the command line
I did not know about that, thanks!

- It does not seem to work (nothing is launched, instead every list entry's icon turns into a red cross)

they appear like that (icon red crossed) because those entries refer to jack-clients that have no native support for jack-session; they are probably listed on the "infra-client" listing below; you may edit each entry and write the exact command line that shall be used to launch the application--this map will persist on your system and next time a session is loaded that refers to those exact client names the corresponding command will be executed accordingly.


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