can't pitch bend my song


i'v tried to pitch bend ( as i told above ) a single note of my song in qtractor 0.6.
it didn't work the first time.
next, suddenly, it worked without me to know what happened.
i next download qtractor 0.8 ( the new one), but there is the same problem.
is anyone having an idea ?

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well, i gave to few an information to start with.

how are you entering pitch-bend events into your song? are you recording onto a new MIDI track or clip? are you playing over already existing material and of course tweking the pitch-bend wheel or stick on a MIDI keyboard controller ? are you entering discrete pitch-bend events on the MIDI clip editor (piano-roll) ? which MIDI instrument, plugin or external, is on rendering? and whatever else?

yes, too many ways to go right and left, and some more to go wrong :)



i'm entering discrete pitch-bend events on the MIDI clip editor (piano-roll).
sorry for the lack of information.
it works with my bass but not with my guitar solo (both midi tracks edited "por la mano")
i don't understand.
furthermore, sounds like the original pitch of the notes is incorrect. or maybe i've worked too lot.
could you tell me more?

so you have two MIDI tracks, each on its own MIDI channels, right? one for bass the other for guitar...

what's the MIDI instruments, plugins or external, that you're using? now, a couple of screenshots would be most welcome for help. also, you can save your session (song) as a .qtz (zip archive format) and attach it here for evidence.


aha. i see your trouble. you seem to have zero pich-bend events right after the ones you wish have effect.

look at the red arrows below:

if you remove these things will most probably work out as desired ;)



no no and no.
the pitch bend is relative to the note just above.
if i hadn't put a pitch bend to zero at the next note, it would have been pitched up too... and my whole song would have been higher at this point.
i just want to pitch bend this only one note at a time.
i've done the same for my bass and it works for it.
why it doesn't work for my guitar? that's the real question.
have you tried my session ?

i'm sorry but what you want, to pitch-bend only one note at a time, is NOT supported by the MIDI standard:
-- pitch-bend is a channel wide controller message that applies to all and current playing notes on the designated MIDI channel.

qtractor, fluidsynth, and most if not all other MIDI instruments out there complies to this standard. sorry again.



so how can it work for my bass ?
have you tried my session ?
it works fine for only one instrument !!!!
how can you explain this ?
i've understood that pitching involves the whole song.
that's why i've put the pitch bend to 0 before and after pitching !!
so that only the note i want would pitch !!!
do you understand ???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no need to punctuation flood :/

it works for the bass part because there is no zero pitch-bend event after the upward pitch-bend--only on the guitar part you have one before and after the top pitching.

you must realize that a zero pitch-bend right after any other just makes the former (almost) to a nil effect. iow. you may hardly hear the pitch-bending if any at all (it depends, on tempo and the synth slew rate reactivity, whatever).



primary you said :
"it works for the bass part because there is no zero pitch-bend event after the upward pitch-bend--only on the guitar part you have one before and after the top pitching."
that's false!
on the guitar as well as on the bass, i've put zero pitch bend events before and after the key note.

secondary :
"you must realize that a zero pitch-bend right after any other just makes the former (almost) to a nil effect."
this is the aim of putting the zero pitch bend after. do you realize this ???

i would like to speak to someone who know his subject.

re. on the guitar as well as on the bass, i've put zero pitch bend events before and after the key note.

i don't see that really, while on your provided song or session, at least on the bass part, only on the guitar one.

please note that,

1. the bass part has a zero-pitchbend event and only before the full one--this makes it OK.
2. the guitar part has a zero-pitchbend event before and after the full one--the makes pitch-bend effect almost NOP (non-operative) as the later (after) zero valued pitchbend events most likely will cancel the preceding full ones.

have you ever tried to remove the (2) zero-after-events as pointed out before (by red arrows on the image above) ?

re. this is the aim of putting the zero pitch bend after. do you realize this ???
i would like to speak to someone who know his subject.

as said once before, while on the MIDI standard reality check, pitch-bend are just one special kind of a continuous controller: as most MIDI CC's, it applies to all current voices or notes, and are NOT a property, nor an attribute, of a note or synth voice alone--it indeed applies to the whole MIDI channel where it's issued. meaning that all synth oscillators will vary their base frequency (aka. pitch) at once and in the same amount, affecting all playing sounding voices, no matter which were their initial onset key (note-on) pitches and that is what most MIDI instruments, fluidsynth in particular, do follow to spec indeed.

and yes, i do know what i'm saying, believe me ;)



i finally rechecked my work.
i realized that the pitch bend only works with the first channel.
why doesn't it work with others channels?

ps: sorry for this lake of empathy last time. i was exhausted...

the cause previously mentioned is false. i continue my investigations.

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