This is a real workflow breaker. Could the clip stay selected, so one could use the keyboard to review the takes? After all, why having those (very cool) "take slection" KB shortuts at all if we're forced to use the mouse anyway? :p
re. Clip deselect after tak selection
because,... in a multi-track scenario, the mouse is the one and only way to tell which track is current ?
for instance, you can actually engage and record several tracks at once, provided each are sourced on their respective input buses! i guess you'll have to try shift thinking--a term i just coined and also--about those situations where you're grabbing takes from each band player, simultaneously--it's not always an "one guy/gal, one instrument at a time, bedroom home-studio style for granted, ya know? :)
sorry for arguing this way but we're dealing--as we always did---with that good/bad general purpose WIMP UI model (window-icon-mouse-pointer) thing of sorts.
hope you know what i mean ;)
> about those situations
> about those situations where you're grabbing takes from each band player, simultaneously--it's not always an "one guy/gal, one instrument at a time, bedroom home-studio style for granted, ya know? :)
I don't see your point... I often record several takes at the same time, yes, in my bedroom :) What does it change, apart from being even more painful to re-select everything? Come on, when you select something and act upon it, it leaves the object selected, all over the WIMP model!
re. Clip deselect after tak selection
most of the times just clicking over a clip makes it current, and it doesn't have to be selected in a bluey shade to be marked as current clip; in fact, the current clip, to which most Clip menu actions apply to, are the last one made current or selected and/or pointed and left- or right-clicked (so that Clip context-menu applies to it).
there's a default keyboard shortcut to cycle over clip takes (menu Clip/Take/Next [Shift+T]): just point and click on a clip once--not necessarily to select it, but rather make it current--and then you can hit Shift+T in succession.
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