I am import Instrument definitions for Nord Lead A1 and Roland INTEGRA-7.
Their definitions radically different, for example:
Roland CC71 - Resonance
Nord CC71 - Output Level
etc, ....
But in Qtractor all mixed, and according to position in definition list, CC71 will be one or another for ALL instruments!
As result - total confusion when I'm working with concrete instrument
File attachments
re. Instruments Controllers
instrument definitions are selected on a MIDI track/channel basis: you assign an instrument to a channel--see Track Properties... dialog.
notice that instrument definitions are just a symbol map, giving you intelligible names for cryptic numbers--it's just that, depending on the target strument or sound generator that semantics differ.
re. Instruments Controllers
>> depending on the target instrument or sound generator that semantics differ
but in reality this is one mixed list for ALL instruments :(
I am:
1. goto View/Instruments
2. import .midnam file for Nord
3. import .midnam file for Roland (this files worked perfectly in Ardour)
3. in Instruments box expand lists for every instrument/Controller Names = Controls
4. look on both list of controls - they are the same: 71 = Resonance
5. goto Track Properties
6. choose Nord
7. open Clip Edit
8. look at Controller list: 71 - Resonanse
9. repeat for Roland: 71 - Resonanse
re. Instruments Controllers
1. does it still do that if you start on a clean slate (ie. save, quit, restart qtractor?)
2. are you switching instrument names over the same MIDI track / channel ?
3. anything else worth noting?
please try to isolate the source of this annoyance--it's not really critical, CC71 is CC71 no matter what :) it's just seems that controller names are getting shadowed somewhat :)
also, please, point me to those .midname files in particular so i may reproduce the issue.
re. Instruments Controllers
1. yes
2. and in same track, and in another
Nord (for example) have many specific controls and easier operate by name than every time look in manual ;)
re. Instruments Controllers
I am attach .midnam files (as Instruments) in top message.
Please note on Control values - ahhh ... it would be nice to have their support ;)
re. Instruments Controllers
i've found what is causing the annoyance: both files have the same name for their
which is "Controls".fact is, in qtractor, control names are shared global resources: if you import/load at least two .midnam files (View/Instruments...) that declare patch, controller, key lists with same name, they will certainly clash and override the previously imported/loaded one.
so i guess, for the time being, you have two options here:
re. Instruments Controllers
yesss ... ;)))
a) - is working for me
Thank You :)
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