When building Qtractor 0.6.2 I noticed this:
checking for LV2 UI Show interface... no
configure: WARNING: *** LV2 UI Show interface support will be disabled.
LV2 plug-in UI Show interface support . . . . . .: no
The build seems to behave normally though so what am I missing here?
Qt5 related?
Ah, I probably need Qt5 for this?
re. Qt5 related?
no, you're not missing anything.
and yes, LV2 Show interface is only available for LV2 >= 1.8.3 (ie. current svn trunk, at the time of this writing ) and only really effective for Qt5 builds and for some plugins that support it (eg. calf-git and the v1's on qt5)
if your things are all still on Qt4, as it should and still are the recommended way of doing, you may well ignore the warning and "no" status line.
Re: re. Qt5 related?
Thanks for the clarification, no need to worry then :)
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