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mono recording


does qtractor support mono recording please ? and how can i get it working


rncbc's picture

You'll need a mono audio input bus. Create one Audio Bus (see View/Buses...) as follows for example:

Name: Mono
Mode: Input
Channels: 1
Auto-connect: yes

Also check proper connection (View/Connections...) for your mono source (eg. mic, guitar) into the new input bus port (eg. Mono/in).

Assign the newly created bus ("Mono") as input to the audio track you're about to record into (see Track/Track properties...). Note that you can leave the track's output bus to stereo (ie. default "Master", channels = 2). This way all recorded audio files in this rack will be mono while playback will get rendered (ie. duplicated) to a stereo bus.


thx for the answer. i'll try that tonight.


i did try to create a bus but teh menu all greyd (inactive).
i can't add any type of bus (midi or audio).
maybe i've something wrong with my setup (i did try different audio cards)
secondly, qtractor seems to loose my tracks properties:
- i launch qsynth
- i launch qtractor
- i connect them together
- i use the SGM-V2.sf2 soundfont and i loaded it's SGM-V2.ins instrument's definition file in qtraactor.
- i save the project

when re-starting qtractor on one of my project, the software can't recall my track configuration.
the instrument definition file is not selected
the bank and program are set to none for some track, not all

i'll try to figure out what's going on, so this is for you to be aware of teh problem :)

rncbc's picture

The View/Buses dialog might not be the best example in intuitiveness, I know ;)

Hint: select an existing bus (eg. Master, there's always one, either audio or MIDI, and you cannot remove it either), then change some of its properties, specially its name, mode, etc. Now you have it clicking on "Create" will add the new bus.


it was so easy :s

thx man

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