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I'm not sure if it's the right place to ask, but Dexed plugin output in Qtractor is only coming out of the left channel.

Dexed plugin output in Qtractor is only coming out of the left channel.

I could use some kind of mono gain, but it'd be nicer if i could get true stereo output from Dexed for pads etc.

This is on Ubuntu Studio with latest version of Qtractor git. Tho I had the exact same problem on my prior Arch installation.

So I guess the issue is with Dexed plugin?

Sorry if this is wrong forum to ask, just let me know and I'll delete the post myself.


Dexed is an emulation of dx7. Both are mono.

So yes, you need to put a mono to stereo plugin, or if you want Calf Stereo Tool, which allows you to create a small delay between channels.

wow I didn't know that. Thanks for clarification. Yes that's good suggestion, I'll just add effects like chorus and flanger I guess. Thanks a lot for always patiently answering my rookie questions.

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