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What is the proper way to export individual MIDI tracks as Audio Stem files?

There is an easy tool in LMMS to export tracks that will export all my individual MIDI tracks with soft synths directly to individual audio stems.

What is the proper way to achieve that in Qtractor?

It seems like I've been watching outdated youtube tutorials.

Simply exporting audio Master doesn't produce sound, regardless of synth plugin.

Aux Sends work for Bus and master/slave mixing, etc.

And I cannot connect Master out to Master in directly (no signal) tho I could use Carla Rack as middle man, but that's only worth it for final export. I can't do all that for all individual MIDI tracks to get audio stems?

I have just now found if I select all Buses not just the Master then the MIDI to audio export works fine, but it's still just into a single audio file combined.

But at least for the final mix I now don't have to use Carla or other external tool, I can just select all the output Buses I'm using, and then hit export. That is wonderful.

But I do wonder about the stems.


_Individual Tracks:
There is no way to batch export individual tracks.
You will need to export them one by one.
Set the track to export to SOLO.
In the export form, select the output bus for that track.

_Full Projects:
To export an entire project, I find it most reliable to create one track to record the final master. This ensures that you record exactly what you hear.
The way I find best is to create a duplex Export bus. Create a Final Master Track with input and output: Export Bus.

Connect the PipeWire monitor output to the Export bus input.

btw thank you so much for all the help and explanations.

so basically record the system sound in qtractor while playing back the final track?

Yes. If only Qtractor is playing, you get what you hear, your session.

thanks. i find is somewhat quicker to record qtractor into audacity. i was wondering if that affected quality? not that i could tell the difference.

No, using an external recorder is just as valid.
If it's more convenient for you, it's also a way to achieve it.

The advantages I find to how I do it:

1 You don't leave the Qtractor workflow.

2 The file is saved directly in your project folder with the name of the project and the postfix "MasterFinal" of the track. For example: myproyect-MasterFinal.flac

3 You can use Qtractor's in-range recording to ensure that the final master recording starts and ends exactly where you want it.

4 Since the final Master track and the connections to the PipeWire monitor output are saved in my start template, it works just as integrated as an internal Qtractor feature. It's as if I had programmed an alternative export functionality, without programming anything. This ability of Qtractor to allow the user to create their own workflows and have them integrated with the application is one of its strong points. For me, its greatest charm.

bluebell's picture

I do the same (recording with Audacity or jack_rec) because I have some complicated routing (sometimes including external stuff) that isn't processed properly when exportinging tracks.

thank you. i personally used to use audacity cuz i did't have to do any routing, i'll just choose qtractor in the drop down of audacity.

But i now just tried your method of connecting monitor out to relevant qtractor master/bus ins and that was quite easy, too!

I before now made the mistake of connecting say master out to master in directly with no signal instead of doing as you do, keeping qtractor master out to playback, and then feeding the playback monitor to qtractor master in. this method worked without any errors!

these are the little things I need to learn to make Qtractor efficient for me. I'll save this routing in my template.

Thanks so much again.

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