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minor theme question/request

sir i love your software. honestly i'm new to it, i just found out about the generate feature for the theme. it really is amazing and unique for DAWs. awesome for people like me who aren't designers but have vague idea of what they want and otherwise couldn't achieve it without such simple genius feature.

i was wondering about some small minor things. probably sound ocd.

if you look at the picture, there are what seems to me as yellow color lines at the 0dB mark.

is there a way to change that to something else, such as green or even blue or white. same about the volume and pan sliders in the mixer. i am creeped out by yellow. (the M button is fine, it looks good, totally not a problem but would be fun if could be changed to like white or grey when activated but fine nonetheless) .

I love it anyway the UI is so beautiful and of course the software itself is awesome. i only have laptop so i need to route jack keyboard via helvum or qjackctl to qtractor midi in auto monitor, which is totally fine. i'm having a lot of fun learning the software. thank you for creating this sharing it as open source.

rncbc's picture


i thinks your eyes or your screen monitor are doing tricks on you :)

the 0dBfs notch lines on the audio audio meters are supposed to be dark-grey (and are shown as such on your screenshots) and sorry to tell they are not user modifiable.


yes now that you say it, i must have been confused by the yellow audio meter color or something. thank you for the reply! i'm loving qtractor so far. it's a wonderful foss daw.

Welcome @rounakaungaug:
It's normal to perceive a neutral grey surrounded by blue as yellow.
It's called an optical illusion, but it's much more than that.
There are physical elements involved such as the interaction of light frequencies, physiological aspects of your color receptors, psychological aspects, and how the brain tries to correct perception in a contextual way.

As for customizing the buttons, I have good news for you.
It's possible through QSS.
Here you can find some QSS themes, you can start from them to learn how to customize Qtractor at a more detailed level than just the color:

For example customize mute button:
qtractorTrackButton[text= "M"]:checked {
color: #ffff00;
background: #525234;

I'm not so technically inclined (even tho I went to computer college :)) but i will have a look at them, for now I'm quite satisfied with how my installation of Qtractor looks. As for optical illusion, part of it must be also caused by my self-imposed sleep deprivation but that's getting tmi i suppose! Thanks so much, again, for being so patient to a stranger like myself.

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