Feature Request: Everything before the first automation node


I don't know what to call this feature request so please forgive the poorly worded title.


As we can see, the first node at measure 37 is set to 0 and yet, there's this visual representation of a decline leading up to it. Every time I encounter this, I wish that line would reflect the value itself leading up to the first node. In other words, the line leading up to the first node would be completely horizontal. With the current behavior, a MIDI clip being inserted anywhere before measure 37 would be impacted by this unintentional decline in the automation.

Or, there's a really good reason for this I haven't considered?


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the automation line always starts (at T=0) on the initial/default value for the subject being automated (probably a plugin parameter as in your case).

the line has slope because the selected mode is "Linear"; change it to "Hold" and you'll get your horizontal alright.


Use the first couple of bars as some kind of initialisation area.There you can place some pre count klicks and your desired initial values for automation.


Yea, can certainly take the time to initialize toward the beginning of the track. Reminds me of the good ol' days when we'd do this with our program change and SYSEX messages :)

when we'd do this with our program change and SYSEX messages :)

aaand hold and behold: you still do, as long you use this vintage app named after some rural farm machine XD

Not following but I remember using it until version 8. By that time though, it had gotten wonky enough with the cryptic .bun files and other details. I still have a place in my heart for the old Cakewalk with the dots! Before audio was incorporated. I think that was version 3.

yes, CPA v8 promised and then v9 delivered and that was all still on win98, remember?!

in the turn of the century/millennium it got rechristened to Sonar or something... by then win2k audio driver performance was so lousy and terrible that it all got lost to me...

that's it: turned my head to gnu/linux and never looked back--the rest is, you know, history :)

Yep. I remember running v8 or 9 or whatever it was on windoze 98lite with ROM (Revenge of Mozilla). I got to a point where focusing on my career had me ditch windoze all together and GNU/Linxu (and Free Software in general) became my sole focus. It was a good time as a series of life events had me tear down my home studio. Decades later I returned to it, though this time on GNU/Linux. It was shocking to see everything was now being done exclusively in software. Looked at everything including LMMS, Ardour, MuSE, and all the rest before finding and sticking with Qtractor.

Thanks again for everything.

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