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Changing multiple tracks' height at once

I can select multiple tracks. But when I change their height with + only one track's height is changed.

Am I doing it wrong?

rncbc's picture

no, you're not doing anything wrong.

multiple track selection, via Shift or Ctrl+click modifiers, is about and only functional to group-toggling the track buttons, [R], [M] or [S], at once.

changing multiple track's height is not there applicable, as you may confirm that any previous selection is reset when you start dragging a track's bottom edge up or down to change its individual height.


bluebell's picture

Yes. But it would be helpful.

Select multiple tracks:
<strg><shift>1 … reset their height
<strg><shift>+ … make each selected track bigger
<strg><shift>- … make each selected track smaller. If it has minimum size then no change

So it's basically the same if I'd iterate through the tracks. Of course all selected tracks would have the same height after <strg><shift>- often enough and then using <strg><shift>+

What is "strg"?

In any case, a great idea but keybindings should be user configurable and never hard-coded.

bluebell's picture

strg is ctrl on keyboards with a German layout.

What I wanted to say is that it would be cool if the already existing commands to adjust the tracks' height would work on multiple tracks as well. Of course making 5 tracks smaller 3 times and larger again 3 times will not produce the same heights as before if some of the tracks reach minimum height at first or second attempt to make them smaller. But that should be obvious.

Yep. Makes perfect sense. Honestly though, the only real way to do this stuff is through the idea of "track groups" where operations then trickle down to members. This is just basic inheritance and the only legit way to go about creating sustainable workflows. Everything else is going to (essentially) be a hack that is more difficult to work with and more difficult to maintain as well as scale to other related operations.

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