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Qtractor 1.1.0 - A Summer'24 Release

Hello again,

Qtractor 1.1.0 (summer'24) is out!

  • Fixed MIDI clip step-input when play-head is located beyond or after the end of the active looping/cycle range.
  • Fixed whole clip selection, implied after dragging the lasso over the left and before the beginning of timeline.
  • Clip/Unlink is now a undo/redo-able command.
  • All sessions now honor their designated resolution property (PPQN aka. ticks-per-beat) not subordinated to former ALSA sequencer queue anymore, which runs on a higher resolution still.
  • Avoid removing MIDI Track/Channel tree items from the Files view (eg. via direct [Del] keyboard shortcut when in focus).
  • Fixed a probable old issue of spilled and duplicated shortcut entries (Help/Shortcuts...) between main tracks/timeline and MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) windows.
  • Fixed fade-in/out curve types of clips when copy-pasted over the main tracks timeline.
  • Fixed general plugin scan/cache optimization in face of new plugins added and/or removed.
  • Fixed VST3 Plug-in main/active buses channel count inventory; also, on updating host parameters, only save and load custom modified parameter values from current state.
  • Fixed a misssing display and port-name filtering issue, that was introduced recently to the MIDI Connections widget only.

QjackCtl 1.0.1 - A Summer'24 Release

Hello everyone!

QjackCtl 1.0.1 (summer'24) is out!

QjackCtl is an aged yet modern, not so simple anymore, Qt application to control the JACK sound server, for the Linux Audio infrastructure.


  • Graph: thumb-view repositions and resizes immediately when visible.
  • Graph: Implement patchbay node search functionality: adds a floating text-entry field, which appears when typing in the canvas, selecting nodes that contains the typed text (maybe regular expression).
  • Graph: fixed a potential use-after-free issue on canvas nodes refresh and recycle.

qpwgraph v0.7.5 - A Summer'24 Beta Release

Hi y'all,

qpwgraph v0.7.5 (summer'24) is released!


  • Implement patchbay node search functionality: adds a floating
    text-entry field, which appears when typing in the canvas,
    selecting nodes that contains the typed text (maybe regular

qpwgraph v0.7.4 - An Early-Summer'24 Hot-fix Release

Hi all,

qpwgraph v0.7.4 (early-summer'24 hot-fix) is out!


  • Force a default PipeWire node name if given empty.
  • Fixed a potential use-after-free issue on canvas nodes refresh and recycle.

qpwgraph v0.7.3 - An Early-Summer'24 Beta Release

Hi everyone,

qpwgraph v0.7.3 (early-summer'24) is released!


  • Cancel button option added to close to system-tray icon message.
  • Introducing thumbview context-menu.


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