Welcome to the Qtractor wiki!
This is an amalgamation of various existing documents, originally wiki-fied by junkyardsparkle and Yassin Philip, with updates by several others. The current working pages are as below:
Manual - 2 Installing and Configuring Qtractor
Manual - 3 Learning Qtractor–An Example Session
Manual - 4 Qtractor–An Overview
The How-To’s section, started by Sean Beeson, contains the following pages:
How To - 2 Create Individual MIDI and Audio Buses-Ports
How To - 3 Set the number of channels an audio track records
How To - 4 Sample MIDI Composition Workflow
How To - 6 Alternative Sidechain Workflow with Aux Sends
How To - 7 Equal Latency for Tracks and Buses
How To - 8 Controlling a Plugin’s Parameter from a MIDI Clip
How To - 9 Distributing Plugins’ Load to multiple CPU Cores
How To - 10 Get SOLO functionality on Buses
How To - 11 Prevent Color Picker Freezing Qtractor
How To - 12 Automate Buses and Others Using Layers
Unofficial resources:
Unofficial tutorials that are worthwhile
Older manuals, which contain some different information to the wiki, can be found here:
qtractor 0.5.x Part 0. Installing Qtractor
qtractor 0.5.x Part 1. Quick Start
Manual Drafts of features for future versions can be found here:
junkyardsparkle also started the Meta - Discussion page, for general discussion of Qtractor documentation creation.
The wiki uses Markdown syntax.