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This time it is a functionality that I need to be able to have the plugins organized to my liking.

Now I have an incomprehensible problem when compiling.
"cmake -B build" tells me:
LV2 plug-in support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: No

All libraries are installed (the same ones from the last successful build I did).
I have reinstalled them to make sure.
CMakeLists.txt defaults to "lv2" support.
Linux things.

However, there is no problem, it is a functionality that I need, but it is not urgent.
I will continue using the default .lv2 folder for presets until the new version of Qtractor is released.

I don't like that it's a hidden folder.
I also prefer to be able to have these files under my own directory structure logic for the sake of simplifying possible backups.
But it's not something urgent.

Thank you.