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LinuxSampler LV2 Plugin

Hi Rui,
I'm doing some experiments in order to use the LinuxSampler LV2 Plugin in Qtractor.
The MIDI part is ok (I put the plugin in the output section of a MIDI BUS), but I have difficulties to understand how Audio outputs works.
What I'm trying to achieve is to route some of the LinuxSampler's 32 audio outputs to QT tracks, in order to apply different effects on LS instruments.
Is that possible? Or what is the best workflow to work with LinuxSampler in Qtractor?
The best I can do is to change the Master BUS channel number, so I can see the cannels activity of LS Plugin.


rncbc's picture


the default audio output for midi plugin instruments goes to audio Master output bus; you can opt to any other audio output bus or have dedicated audio output ports that will appear as such on the jack graph--these options are applicable to all midi instrument plugin types, not only to linuxsampler-lv2, and are accessible via the plugin list context-menu (Audio sub-menu).

however you cannot separate audio output per sampler channel when you have a linuxsampler-lv2 instance inserted on a midi output bus; for having a one-to-one flow you'll have to insert it on a midi track/channel.


"...are accessible via the plugin list context-menu (Audio sub-menu)."
ops... I never noticed it... sorry! :-)

"for having a one-to-one flow you'll have to insert it on a midi track/channel"
ok, and every track will have a LinuxSampler-lv2 instance, right?

rncbc's picture


remember that linuxsampler operates in a client-server architecture which provides a flexible plugin midi in/audio out interface for each of its plural sampler channels. you can have a linuxsampler-lv2 plugin instance, which shall map to a linuxsampler sampler channel 1:1, as being midi driven by a lv2 host sequencer like qtractor and either make audio flow back into it or have its own standalone and discrete audio outputs--it all depends on how you setup the sampler channel instance midi/audio respective interfaces.

yes it's not simple nor easy to explain, and get it right first time or twice, but linux may give you all the best and worst of all worlds, monolithic, client/server, modular--better said it's a multiverse of possibilities, yaknow? ;)


indeed :-)
I actually tend to use the modular way, but I tried to explore the monolithic side also.

Thank you!