Qtractor migration to Qt4: complete.

Just in time for the Halloween season and without disguise, Qtractor migration to Qt4 is now complete and committed to CVS. The migration process spanned over three precise weeks as one can certainly confirm from the previous posts in this blog.

It was kind of boresome, but it is now done. In fact I can tell that the new Qt4 codebase is almost a complete rewrite from the old Qt3 one. To be fair, almost half of the current 50.000 C++ source-code lines were (re)touched in some way or another, but the core functionality remained fundamentally the same, with some scattered improvements I must say.

One of the notable things that has deeply changed is the location and name of the configuration file, which means that the old Qt3 one is no longer used so that both versions of the program may run in sane coexistence.

The session files may be openned and exchanged between both versions as there's no big changes in the XML file structure. However, I do strongly recommend you to backup all the old session files, and then open and save into the new application incarnation just to be on the safe side.

On CVS, the old version has been tagged as "qtractor_0_0_0_485", branch "qt3". The new Qt4 version number takes the bump up to and still counting...

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