QjackCtl 0.2.21 is out!

In the wake of the JACK 0.102.20 release, here goes the respective friendly GUI: QjackCtl 0.2.21 is out.

As usual, the change-log says it all:
- GPL address update.
- All window captions can now be set smaller as tool-widgets. This option takes effect when child windows are kept always on top.
- For the brave of heart, specially the ones brave enough to try with Stephane Letz's jackdmp, a win32 build should be now possible.
- The main window button text labels are now optional (after a kind suggestion by Geoff Beasley, thanks).
- Incresed default maximum number of ports setting from 128 to 256.
- Initial freebob backend driver support. Also changed the coreaudio backend driver command line device name/id parameter (EXPERIMENTAL).
- Closing the main window while not as an active JACK client, nor under a server running state, will just quit the whole application, even though the system-tray icon option is in effect.
- The most relevant transport commands (Rewind, Play and Pause) are now made available on the main window context pop-up menu.
- The post-shutdown script is now also being called when using the Stop button, whether the jackd server has been started internally or not. The
initial hard-coded default is now on and set to `killall jackd` (as a workaround to an old request from Stephane Letz).
- The main window buttons display are now optional. One can choose whether the left, right and/or transport buttons are hidden, making it
for a total of six different modes for the main window presentation (after a much simpler suggestion from Paul Davis and Stephane Letz).
- Added configure support for x86_64 libraries (UNTESTED).
Nuff this time.

Hope you enjoy.

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