QXGEdit 0.1.0 - Spring Cleaning Pt.1

Even though the Iceland volcanic ash plumes are still messing up the air, I decided to do some spring cleaning after all and started with what's laying around here, collecting dust. Bad timing or not, it's now or never. Über-procrastinator dixit.

Remember that piece of junk that I rig on every desktop which still has some PCI card slots anyway? If you don't, I'll tell you once more: the Yamaha DB50XG piggyback. I know it's not easy to find those nowadays, but there's always that auction sites for you to try. Moreover the hosting sound-cards which exposes a Creative Labs Waveblaster daughter-board expansion port, are no easier too. Ah, the good old nineties...

Never mind, so here it goes again:

QXGEdit 0.1.0 has fallen from the attic!

This stands as the second public release and who knows what next spring cleaning will bring ;)



Project page:




  • Initial widget geometry and visibility persistence logic has been slightly revised as much to avoid crash failures due to wrong main widget hidden state.
  • General source tree layout and build configuration change.
  • Make build compilation work for gcc >= 4.4.0, by adding some missing standard C99 includes.
  • LADISH Level 1 support has been added: SIGUSR1 signal trap just makes it a shortcut to File/Save.
  • Uservoice (QS300) AmpEG Attack, Decay Level 1 and 2 parameters now have a bit cleaner, clearer out-of-the-box default values.
  • Uservoice (QS300) preset combo-box drop-down list now gets its current item selection set alright.
  • Global configuration state is now explicitly saved/committed to disk when Options dialog changes are accepted and applied.
  • Variation part parameter is now a drop-down combo-box.
  • New reset button for reverb, chorus and variation parameters.
  • Randomization of all current vparameter values is now available, allowing for great experimentation and exploration of brand new sound settings (just try View/Randomize).
  • All graphics lines are now slightly gray colored, instead of plain black or white, or whatever the current theme text color.
  • Added user confirmation for QS300 user voice preset replacement; preset files are not deleted from file-system anymore.

Weblog (upstream support, yours truly):



QXGEdit is free, open-source software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.


Yamaha DB50XG Owner's Manual

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