One more time and not the last!
The Vee One Suite of so called old-school software instruments, synthv1, as a polyphonic subtractive synthesizer, samplv1, a polyphonic sampler synthesizer, drumkv1 as yet another drum-kit sampler and padthv1 as a polyphonic additive synthesizer, are here once again released just before the northern hot-season starts...
For all you meridional fans: don't ever take this as some kind of a disadvantage: you'll sure have it perfect and practice while northlings may go party and bust, whatever ;)
Still available in the so called dual standard forms, for Linux anyway:
The change for this joy-of-season goes as follows:
- Loop crossfading and zero-crossing detection (the later being an old staple by default) are now set as brand new user options accessible from the main UI. (applies to samplv1 only)
- Fixed for some g++ >= 8.1.1 warnings and quietness.
- Added LV2 UI X11 support option.
- Disable reference micro-tuning settings when a Scala keyboard map override is in effect.
- Added "All files (*.*)" filter to every file requestor dialog, wherever missing.
The Vee One Suite are free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.
And now, in order of (chronological) appearance:
synthv1 - an old-school polyphonic synthesizer
synthv1 0.9.1 (early-summer'18) is out!
synthv1 is an old-school all-digital 4-oscillator subtractive polyphonic synthesizer with stereo fx.
- source tarball:
synthv1-0.9.1.tar.gz - source package:
synthv1-0.9.1-38.rncbc.suse.src.rpm - binary packages (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
synthv1-0.9.1-38.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm - AppImage packages (JACK stand-alone only):
samplv1 - an old-school polyphonic sampler
samplv1 0.9.1 (early-summer'18) is out!
samplv1 is an old-school polyphonic sampler synthesizer with stereo fx.
- source tarball:
samplv1-0.9.1.tar.gz - source package:
samplv1-0.9.1-38.rncbc.suse.src.rpm - binary packages (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
samplv1-0.9.1-38.rncbc.suse.x86_4.rpm - AppImage packages (JACK stand-alone only):
drumkv1 - an old-school drum-kit sampler
drumkv1 0.9.1 (early-summer'18) is out!
drumkv1 is an old-school drum-kit sampler synthesizer with stereo fx.
- source tarball:
drumkv1-0.9.1.tar.gz - source package:
drumkv1-0.9.1-34.rncbc.suse.src.rpm - binary packages (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
drumkv1-0.9.1-34.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm - AppImage packages (JACK stand-alone only):
padthv1 - an old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer
padthv1 0.9.1 (early-summer'18) is out!
padthv1 is an old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer with stereo fx
padthv1 is based on the PADsynth algorithm by Paul Nasca, as a special variant of additive synthesis.
- source tarball:
padthv1-0.9.1.tar.gz - source package:
padthv1-0.9.1-5.rncbc.suse.src.rpm - binary packages (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
padthv1-0.9.1-5.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm - AppImage packages (JACK stand-alone only):
Enjoy && have fun.
p.s. words of advice for Ardour users...
Ardour users may experience a dreadful blank, gray or otherwise empty window out-of-the-box, when summoning any of the Vee-Ones LV2 plug-in GUI's. While that is no Ardour fault per se it is one of recent libSUIL >= 0.10.0 whatever as it introduced this flawed qt5_in_gtk2 wrapper which does not work at all--at least you won't get any visible results out of that anyway... YMMV. So, no hurry, no worry, chicken curry... :) if you ever find yourself on the gray zone (you have SUIL >= 0.10.0 installed most certainly) and dare and are brave enough to read this, here follows the dang simple workaround: do this from the command line/terminal/console:
find ~/.lv2 /usr/local/lib*/lv2 /usr/lib*/lv2 -name "*v1.ttl"
then, on each file there listed, bring it up into your preferred editor in turn (as root, where applicable) and hack the line where it reads (for instance, in drumkv1.ttl
lv2ui:ui drumkv1_lv2:ui, drumkv1_lv2:ui_x11, drumkv1_lv2:ui_external ;
just remove the "drumkv1_lv2:ui,
" particle so that line reads like this, thereafter:
lv2ui:ui drumkv1_lv2:ui_x11, drumkv1_lv2:ui_external ;
Et voilá! Enjoy the new embedded X11 GUI in Ardour ;) Remember this is supposed to be an interim workaround for Ardour / SUIL >= 0.10.0, at least until the flagship makes it an user preference over which LV2 UI is good for it/him/her--well, something yours truly Qtractor provides for quite some time, nevertheless ;)~
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