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The Seventh Draught - MIDI Editor's debut!

Just a month after the previous alpha-pre-release (if one may call that so), here comes a major upgrade to this pet project of mine, now getting bigger and fatter, and counting. This time I am proud to release the first glance for the MIDI clip editor integration and raw power functionality. There's no innovation here, it is just a long due feature and taken out from the closet :)

Qtractor (Seventh Draught) preview has been released!

Rejoice, Qtractor, as an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer software application target at the personal home-studio, is getting bloated and developing according to plan. Whatever.

Things have changed a bit since the last pre-release, and there's this large change-log, which you might read as boring as hell:

- Crash fix on the connections widget, was a matter of refactoring the refresh/clear slots.
- Help menu added to MIDI editor form (redirected and same to main form anyway).
- Clip properties form gets its proper sanity check, querying any existing clip editor whether its safe to apply the new settings.
- Mixer sliders get their long due valued correction, hopefully.
- Transport backward and play/stop are now made accessible from the MIDI editor widget, through their keyboard accelerator shortcuts (backspace and space, respectively).
- Transport actions (play, rec, rew and ffwd) are now kept stable on a single point, instead of being scattered all over the main form code; transport visual feedback might get affected, specially regarding the MMC processing.
- Application icon is now officially installed into ${prefix}/share/pixmaps.
- Spec file is now a bit more openSUSE compliant; just made RPM requirements as exigent as the new debian ones.
- Paste cursor is now properly preserved after leaving MIDI editor views.
- Amazingly why this was not spotted before, the main application logo-icon has been downscaled to the 32x32 pixel standard icon size.
- MIDI clip editor clipboard gets singleton status and is now shared on all MIDI editor instances. Similarly to the main track-view, shift/ctrl-left-clicking on the MIDI editor views sets the current session play-head position.
- A desktop entry file has been included on install, at last.
- Clips in main track-view get more info in the form of tooltips.
- Major rounding fix to time-scaling and most specially on all those internal MIDI I/O methods.
- Extended range selection from the time-ruler and key-list headers is now possible by click-and-drag the mouse pointer.
- Play-head cursor is now also displayed and/or set position on all open MIDI clip editors time line view. As in the main application form, a new local follow play-head option is also featured on the MIDI editor view menu and toolbar.
- All MIDI file save operations are now logged to main messages and files are added to the main files list view.
- Initial debianization.
- MIDI capture/record file format (SMF Format 0 or 1) is now an user option, introducing the new MIDI tab on the global View/Options dialog.
- A bad old-time session cursor glitch has been apparently fixed.
- Make sure the generic clip properties form is modal.
- Major rewrite and adaptation to the session time-scale properties, making its way for a brand new command instance: the session-tempo command.
- Changing the snap-per-beat combobox value on the main window toolbar does not make it as an undoable command anymore.
- Long due MIDI clip editor integration has come to reality.
- Major rewrite on the MIDI sequence file read/write methods, in preparation to the coming MIDI clip editor.
- Status-bar session length label now gets rightly updated, while extended recording, of course.
- Clip properties fade-in/out lengths, gets their old due constraints.
- Main transport time display is now an editable custom spin-box; the Tempo (BPM) spin-box has seen new colors (green on black).
- Transport time display format option adds the new choice of absolute frame number, alternative to previous time and BBT.
- The frame-time based spin-boxes, on the clip properties form, were replaced with a new custom one, allowing for alternate frame, time and bbt input/display formats.
- Time-scale helper class has been introduced.

Of course, all this stuff is ready for download from the usual place:

Cheers && Enjoy!