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Qtractor 0.4.6 - The Funky Deviless is here!

So much to tell, even more to do... then one could hardly shake, this long overdue. Lousy rhymes and no miserly times. And there it is: a bug-fix release, I'll mean to ease.

Oh crap! Let's get it through once and for all.

With huge compliments to all who got the nerve and report as many too much idiosyncrasies (nee bugs). Don't, never look back. There's plenty more ahead, no matter where you look, or hear, whether is up or down hill :)

Qtractor 0.4.6 (funky deviless) is here!

Release highlights:

  • MIDI Editor draw mode (aka paint mode) (NEW)
  • MIDI Swing-quantize (NEW)
  • LV2 UI Instance & Data-access extension support (NEW)
  • JACK Session support (EXPERIMENTAL) (NEW)
  • LV2 Save/Restore extension support (NEW)
  • MIDI Editor event list in-line editing (NEW)
  • MIDI Clip time-stretching (FIX)
  • MIDI Clip editor file salvage quietness (NEW)
  • MIDI Control bus switching crash (FIX)
  • MIDI Bank-selection backout (FIX)
  • Initial widget geometry extents (FIX)
  • Input-only bus playback crash (FIX)
  • Bus connection persistence crash (FIX)
  • Drag-and-drop cloning plugins (FIX)
  • MIDI Editor floating-selection persistence (NEW)
  • Audio inserts garbage signal (FIX)

A bit more or not so detailed change-log is found below.


Late spring cleaning interruptus for some ramblings and babbling about my trip to the International Linux Audio Conference, LAC2010@HKU-Utrecht, which took place at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, May 1st to 4th.. Time is failing on me, or wasn't that the top excuse from this one self-called über-procrastinator. Better late than never.

Once again, five times now, I came to attend the annual international Linux Audio developers meeting, as it is on my call, being my main motivation the same as it has been since always: to meet and find together all the guys and gals that make up the scene. And so there we were. I am sorry to tell that this blog entry won't be in any way a chronicle of the conference but more like something else. Just a messy collection of thoughts that were haunting this vacant mind during those days.

Qsynth 0.3.5 - Spring Cleaning Pt.2

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, funk to funky. Yawn. Cut the non-sense, there's no burial service nor Bowie's song here. Just blowing some aging stuff, maybe giving the patine that it deserves ;) Almost one long year has gone by and sadly enough, there's no big new and flashy features to show off. But, nevertheless,

Qsynth 0.3.5 is out from the closet!

Hope you enjoy the (not so big) news :) Have fun.

QXGEdit 0.1.0 - Spring Cleaning Pt.1

Even though the Iceland volcanic ash plumes are still messing up the air, I decided to do some spring cleaning after all and started with what's laying around here, collecting dust. Bad timing or not, it's now or never. Über-procrastinator dixit.

Remember that piece of junk that I rig on every desktop which still has some PCI card slots anyway? If you don't, I'll tell you once more: the Yamaha DB50XG piggyback. I know it's not easy to find those nowadays, but there's always that auction sites for you to try. Moreover the hosting sound-cards which exposes a Creative Labs Waveblaster daughter-board expansion port, are no easier too. Ah, the good old nineties...

Never mind, so here it goes again:

QXGEdit 0.1.0 has fallen from the attic!

This stands as the second public release and who knows what next spring cleaning will bring ;)

QjackCtl 0.3.6 - Full D-Busification!

Awe! Times they are a-changing although Bob Dylan has no D-Business here. The old and cutie gooey for JACK just got one turn around the verge of bit-rotting. This time it brings full JACK D-Bus support, or almost. It also adds D-Bus access for most GUI actions which some might find pretty handy for keyboard shortcut binding from your desktop environment of choice. However, if babies health is your top concern you can just turn this D-Bus thing off and play with the Old times ;) Ahem...

QjackCtl 0.3.6 is now released!

More details in the change-log, below.


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