Qtractor 0.7.8 - The Snobby Graviton is out!

So it's first solstice'16...

The world sure is a harsh mistress... yeah, you read that right! Heinlein's Moon have been just intentionally rephrased. Yeah, whatever.

Just about when the UK vs. EU is there under close scrutiny and sizzling winds of trumpeting (pun intended, again) coming from the other side of the pond, we all should mark the days we're living in.

No worries: we still have some feeble but comforting news:

Qtractor 0.7.8 (snobby graviton) is out!

Nevertheless ;)

Qtractor is an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt framework. Target platform is Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux desktop audio workstation GUI, specially dedicated to the personal home-studio.


  • MIDI file track names (and any other SMF META events) are now converted to and from the base ASCII/Latin-1 encoding, as much to prevent invalid SMF whenever non-Latin-1 UTF-8 encoded MIDI track names are given.
  • MIDI file tempo-map and location markers import/export is now hopefully corrected, after almost a decade in mistake, regarding MIDI resolution conversion, when different than current session's setting (TPQN, ticks-per-quarter-note aka. ticks-per-beat, etc.)
  • Introducing LV2 UI Show interface support for other types than Qt, Gtk, X11 and lv2_external_ui.
  • Prevent any visual updates while exporting (freewheeling) audio tracks that have at least one plugin activate state automation enabled for playback (as much for not showing messages like "QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QVector'"... anymore).
  • The common buses management dialog (View/Buses...) sees the superfluous Refresh button finally removed, while two new button commands take its place: (move) Up and Down.
  • LV2 plug-in Patch support has been added and LV2 plug-ins parameter properties manipulation is now accessible on the generic plug-in properties dialog.
  • Fixed a recently introduced bug, that rendered all but one plug-in instance to silence, affecting only DSSI plug-ins which implement DSSI_Descriptor::run_multiple_synths() eg. fluidsynth-dssi, hexter, etc.



Project page:




Git repos:


Wiki (on going, help stillwanted, always!):



Qtractor is free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

Donate to rncbc.org


Enjoy && Have (lots of) fun.

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